Temple Gates Games LLC
Based in San Mateo, CA
Release date:
May 6 2019
Regular Price:
$ | 7.99 |
Shards of Infinity is the follow-up to the award winning deckbuilding game, Ascension. Build your armies by recruiting allies and champions from four unique factions. Launch surprise attacks on your foes by instantly deploying mercenaries. Unlock limitless power by mastering the Shard of Infinity.
One-hundred years ago, The Infinity Engine was shattered and its reality-bending shards have destroyed most of the world. Now, it falls upon you to gather your forces, defeat your adversaries, and rebuild the Infinity Engine! Will you survive?
- 128 Cards
- Build armies by recruiting allies and champions from unique factions
- Launch surprise attacks by instantly deploying mercenaries
- Unlock limitless power by mastering the Shard of Infinity
- For 2-4 Players
- 30 minute playing time
- Cross platform network multiplayer
- Local pass and play
- Neural network AI based on Keldon Jones' research
Logo & Icon
Awards & Recognition
- "#1 two-player game" Tom Vasel, Dice Tower 2018
Selected Articles
- "5/5 - A polished deck builder that's perfect for two. A great app of a great card game.!"
- Dick Page, Pocket Tactics - "I love this. It’s the perfect sequel to Ascension!"
- Brittanie Boe, Be Bold Games - "It's got a few different twists that I've never seen before."
- Jeff McAleer, The Gaming Gang - "It plays very quickly, you get ultra powerful really fast, and you’re just wailing on each other. I LOOOVE IT!"
- Tom Vasel, Dice Tower - "This is a solid deckbuilder with interesting choices and definite replaybility."
- Tery Noseworthy, Opinionated Gamers - "I definitely say check it out."
- Ryan Schoon, Man vs Meeple - "The app implementation is nearly flawless."
- Chris Mack, Pixelated Cardboard - "Shards of Infinity is an excellent, sound adaptation of an existing card game."
- Jason Parker, ONRPG - "I've been playing it non stop."
- Chris Steele, Tabletop Game Talk - "How board games should be digitized."
- Hungry Gamer, BoardgameGeek - "I recommend it wholeheartedly and can’t wait to play more
- Jake Vander Ende, Know Techie - "The app takes the already great gameplay and pairs it with a slick interface that keeps games snappy and addictive.
- Jonathan Schindler, iSlaytheDragon
Additional Links
Boardgame Geek
Check out the game on BGG.com boardgamegeek.com.
Press Kit Download
Trailer and Art assets templegatesgames.com.
PDF file shardsofinfinity.com.
Beta Signup
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About Temple Gates Games LLC
Temple Gates Games is a San Francisco based team of boardgame app developers. Our specialty is in bringing boardgames to a wider audience by offering digital adaptations that players can play on the go. We work with boardgame designers and publishers to bring their creations to digital life, including quality of life improvements such as automated bookkeeping, rules enforcement, interactive tutorials, and more. Our cross-platform philosophy allows players to play across mobile and PC devices. We are most known for integrating neural-networked AI to create learning opponents and lickety split performance.
More information
More information on Temple Gates Games LLC, our logo & relevant media are available here.
Shards of Infinity Credits
Gary Arant
Boardgame Designer
Justin Gary
Boardgame Designer
Ben Lundquist
Additional Game Design / Development
Jason Zila
Additional Game Design / Development
Ryan O'Conner
Graphic Artist
Aaron Nakahara
Digital Art Chefs
Rod Mendez
Thien Nguyen
George Rockwell
Creative Development
Theresa Duringer
Digital Designer
Jeff Gates
Keldon Jones
AI Engineering
Chris Haga & Looty Games
Visual FX
Dylan Librande
Theresa Duringer
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks