Temple Gates Games LLC
Based in San Mateo, CA
Founding date:
September 1, 2013
Press / Business Contact:
Race For The Galaxy
Shards Of Infinity
Cannon Brawl
Roll For The Galaxy
1515 S. El Camino Real Ste 250
San Mateo, CA 94402
Temple Gates Games is a San Francisco based team of boardgame app developers. Our specialty is in bringing boardgames to a wider audience by offering digital adaptations that players can play on the go. We work with boardgame designers and publishers to bring their creations to digital life, including quality of life improvements such as automated bookkeeping, rules enforcement, interactive tutorials, and more. Our cross-platform philosophy allows players to play across mobile and PC devices. We are most known for integrating neural-networked AI to create learning opponents and lickety split performance.
ProductOur flagship title, Dominion, is a classic deckbuilder game, available across PC, iOs, and Android devices. Dominion introduced the deckbuilder genre. Race for the Galaxy, and its dice variant Roll for the Galaxy, are also available across app stores. We also offer Shards of Infinity, the sequel to Ascension, a cyberpunk take on the deckbuilding genre.
BackgroundHaving spent a decade building out a custom boardgame engine in C++, our team is poised to bring player favorite titles to mobile and PC devices. We hail from companies including Blizzard and Maxis, where we worked on AAA titles, but spent countless nights over takeout and tabletop in our board game clubs before biting the bullet and forming Temple Gates Games, a company dedicated to growing an online presence for the boardgames we love.
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Awards & Recognition
- "Pocket Gamer 2017 Boardgame of the Year" - Race for the Galaxy
- "Pocket Gamer 2017 Multiplayer Game of the Year" - Runner up: Race for the Galaxy
- "Intel Developer Showcase 2015" - 1st Place Winner
- "Oculus VR Jam 2015" - Silver Winner
- "International Mobile Gaming Awards" - Best VR Game 2016 Jury Nomination
- "SXSW Gaming Awards" - Gamers Voice Staff Nomination 2016
Selected Articles
- "One of the best digital conversions to date."
- Destructoid, http://droidgamers.com/2017/05/04/race-for-the-galaxy-google-play - "5/5. Another GOTY Contender steps up."
- Pocket Tactics, http://pockettactics.com/reviews/review-race-for-the-galaxy - "Top 5 Games And Apps For Samsung Gear VR"
- technewstoday, http://www.technewstoday.com/27408-top-5-games-and-apps-for-samsung-gear-vr/ - "Top 10 Samsung Gear VR Games and Experiences"
- All things VR, http://www.allthingsvr.co/ - "Top 10 Best Gear VR Games"
- tom’s guide, http://www.tomsguide.com/us/best-gear-vr-games,review-3265.html - "As far as stylized games go, Bazaar is among the best looking we have played in VR."
- Will Mason, UploadVR, http://uploadvr.com/rothenberg-river-fall-2015/ - "There are gems like Temple Gates Games’ Bazaar, a simple magic carpet ride simulator that sees you coasting along a colorful world, exploring and picking up trinkets."
- CNET, http://www.cnet.com/au/products/samsung-gear-vr-2015/2/ - "Bazaar is considered a resounding success by the virtual reality (VR) enthusiast community."
- VR Focus, http://vrfocus.com/archives/26915/temple-gates-games-talks-bazaar-multiplayer-vr-and-publishing-in-the-new-medium/ - "Bazaar on the GearVR is unique in just about every way."
- VRGiant, http://vrgiant.com/mobile-vr-reviews/bazaar-review-final-score/ - "John Carmack's Public VR critique #5: Bazaar"
- John Carmack, Facebook - "Former Valve San Francisco devs form Temple Gates Games."
- Dave Tach, Polygon
Additional Links
Temple Gates Games
Company website http://TempleGatesGames.com/.
Temple Gates Logo
PSD file templegatesgames.com.
Team & Repeating Collaborators
Theresa Duringer
Jeff Gates
Theresa Duringer
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks